Co-harvesting of Cobs
"The Southern African Development Community (SADC) region recorded a drop of about 7 percent in cereal production from 33.81 million tonnes in 2011 to 31.47 million tonnes in 2012." more ..
Despite increased prices and production, the South African crop estimate for 2011/2012 noted that ..
.. subsistence farmers planted about 442,114 hectares of corn, marginally less than the previous season, and produced 638,463 tons of corn.
Small scale (low yield) farming: The increase contribution may just be that extra margin needed for long-term profitability!
Large (irrigated) farmlands: At an average of 4.29 t/ha, the extra margin from the maizecob supply will assist the dry land farmers or offsets the ever-increasing electricity costs to run the irrigation pumps (with electricity from the GreenEnergyParkTM!).