Our Expertise

Stelar Insight Stelar Insight (Picture: DalinYebo)

Competent & talented professionals, strong technology core and global understanding of the furfural industry.

GreenEnergyPark™ is based on technology, expertise, experience and success of the DalinYebo team in the bio-renewbles space. They have been involved in electricity generation from direct combustion (i.e. steam generation/steam turbine projects in the sugar and pulp and paper industry) and the chemical industry (furfural/sugar, ethanol, pulp & paper, etc.). Some key points relating to the capacity of our human resources are:

125 years cumulative and appropriate in-house expertise in sugar, pulp & paper, brewing and the bio-based chemical (ethanol, furfural, polyols, etc.) industries (NB: Most of these industries employ biomass combustion for the generation of energy/electricity).

Via our US based Joint Venture we have access to specialized energy conversion experience.

Our team members have multi-national experience in the pulp & paper, agricultural and affiliated industries in Africa, India, Australia, Peru, Guyana, USA, Switzerland, Emirates and Oman, and currently maintain relationships in many more countries (e.g. China and Eastern European countries).

We are multi-generational, aged late 20's to mid 60's. We have multi-disciplinary competence typically associated with an engineering consultancy, complemented by financial, plant pathology (African Centre for Crop Improvement), biomass combustion, environmental science, farming, logistics, agricultural chemical and turf treatment expertise.

Corporate Associations: DalinYebo maintains a network of contacts working at internationally reputable companies, who understand our business and are able to provide support in, for example, R&D, design, product development, project implementation, market research, product and technology marketing.

DalinYebo outsources HR, bookkeeping, legal and company secretarial services. Our extended core-team is engaged on a contract basis and consists of graduates for plant operation, two additional engineers for process design, a Professor in plant pathology and two financial experts. We also have access to R&D and other facilities with related services at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

For more, see dalinyebo.com

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