
Search Keyword "jobs" Total: 37 results found.



  1. US biobased Economy Growth: $24billion/year (+ 200,000 new jobs)

    Category: Blog

    ... to the US economy and how many jobs it sustains. Just how much are biobased products worth (to the US economy)? Since we reported on the 2015 report, the biobased industry now contributes 4.2 million ... Created on 14 October 2016
  2. Add More Value to Sugarcane Bagasse ( Trash)

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... millions of new jobs (and profits!). The global sugar and pulp & paper industries operate some of the oldest biorefineries, but they have (in our humble opinion) shied away from leading any of ... Created on 10 May 2016
  3. Biorefineries Give Local Farmers Opportunities for Additional Income

    Category: Blog

    ... integrated biorefineries across the nation that are helping to scale up biofuel technologies. The construction of biorefineries and biofuel production also create temporary and permanent biorefinery jobs. ... Created on 03 July 2015
  4. Bioeconomy: U$369 Billion and 4 Million Jobs Added to US Economy in 2013

    Category: DalinYebo News

    Image Source: USDA Each job in the US bioeconomy adds 1.64 jobs in adjacent sectors. An economic impact analysis of the US biobased products industry showed that in 2013 4 million jobs and  ... Created on 03 July 2015
  5. Polyester From Furfural

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... green, rural jobs).   Editor's note: The Furfural-to-FDCA research goes back to the early 20th century. Since the 1970s, new catalysts, new process technology, etc. have been developed in ... Created on 15 November 2014
  6. Introducing: Connecting-the-Dots™ of a New Agricultural Economy

    Category: DalinYebo News

    GreenEnergyPark™: Empowering Africa's New Agricultural Economy DalinYebo's GreenEnergyPark™ will contribute to Africa's food security and create permanent rural jobs, because these small economic ... Created on 19 October 2014
  7. Forecasted Bioplastics Industry Growth

    Category: Blog

    Philipp Daniel Steiner: The impact of these trends could see the furfural market grow to twice its current size. For Africa, biomass valorisation means food security and jobs (e.g.! ... Created on 22 February 2014
  8. Economy of Numbers vs. Economy of Scale

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... plan). Assuming a greenfields cluster of three µ-BioRefineries, using sweet stem sorghum as its feedstock, the newly created jobs in the farming sector would be ±5,000. Using a conservative multiplier, ... Created on 05 February 2014
  9. Job Creation: Is the Low-hanging Fruit the Forbidden Fruit?

    Category: DalinYebo News

    Biorefining: Create Shareholder Value or(/and) Jobs! The "Low-hanging Fruit" offers shareholders in the sugar or pulp & paper industry a low risk expansion opportunity into the future of bioenergy/biochemicals. ... Created on 04 February 2014
  10. Job Creation: Is the Low-hanging Fruit the Forbidden Fruit?

    Category: DalinYebo News

    Biorefining: Create Shareholder Value or(/and) Jobs! The "Low-hanging Fruit" offers shareholders in the sugar or pulp & paper industry a low risk expansion opportunity into the future of bioenergy/biochemicals. ... Created on 04 February 2014
  11. Green PET Bottles from Furfural

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... new green rural jobs, now.  It's an investment into a US$5 billion business, a renaissance of a bio-renwable chemistry that goes beyond green "PET" soda bottles. Low Cost IP Development Since ... Created on 09 December 2013
  12. Tax Credit For Biochemicals

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... Stockman, R-Texas) is described as a " bipartisan legislation which provides renewable chemical producers access to a production tax credit when they create American jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign ... Created on 10 October 2013
  13. Tax Credit For Biochemicals

    Category: DalinYebo News

    ... Stockman, R-Texas) is described as a "bipartisan legislation which provides renewable chemical producers access to a production tax credit when they create American jobs and reduce our dependence on foreign ... Created on 10 October 2013
  14. South Africa: Biofuel blends madatory from 2015

    Category: Blog

    ... from all parties accused the department of making no headway in implementing the strategy. They said at the time that the biofuels strategy had the potential to create between 20,000 and 25,000 jobs, and ... Created on 04 October 2013
  15. New Report Shows Green Economy Fundamental for South Africa’s Sustained Economic Growth and Well-being – Green Africa Directory

    Category: Blog

    ... renewable energy –  can create more jobs than a business as usual approach, while supporting the same level of economic growth, yet with lower emissions of greenhouse gases and less environmental damage. ... Created on 04 October 2013
  16. Biorefineries - Creating and/or Maintaining Jobs

    Category: DalinYebo News

    Move beyond procrastination! Setting the Scene South Africa (August 2013) : Reported unemployment rate is now over 25% and the figures for newly created jobs are so low (or none existing?), that they ... Created on 19 August 2013
  17. Concept Plan for a GreenEnergyPark™ Biomass-Processing Hub

    Category: News

    Agri-biomass processing: Chemicals, Electricity & Jobs! The proposed first commercially viable GreenEnergyPark™ biorefinery in Western KwaZulu-Natal will use maizecobs as its biomass feedstock. ... Created on 13 March 2013
  18. Concept Plan for a GreenEnergyPark™ Biomass-Processing Hub

    Category: DalinYebo News

    Agri-biomass processing: Chemicals, Electricity & Jobs! The proposed first commercially viable GreenEnergyPark™ biorefinery in Western KwaZulu-Natal will use maizecobs as its biomass feedstock. First ... Created on 13 March 2013
  19. GreenEnergyPark™ - Cobelec Project

    Category: News

    ... convert biomass (agricultural residues) into energy, chemicals and commercial products. They’ll provide rural jobs, contribute to food security (additional farming revenue) and its goods replace fossil ... Created on 16 January 2013
  20. The dilemma of growing sugarcane in KwaZulu-Natal

    Category: Blog

    ... reported and conducted according to proper legal procedures. The majority of those evicted had worked and lived on the land for generations; yet not only did they lose their jobs but also their homes. ... Created on 28 August 2012
  21. Green Jobs

    Category: GreenEnergyPark™

    GreenEnergyPark™ is about creating new ("green") jobs in rural areas. A mix of skills will be required to harvest the biomass, supply and for the plant operations. Many of these skills can be ... Created on 16 April 2012
  22. GreenEnergyPark™

    Category: GreenEnergyPark™

    GreenEnergyPark™: Smart biomass (agricultural/forest residues) conversions to energy, chemicals and commercial products. GreenEnergyParks create and provide rural jobs, contribute to food security, ... Created on 22 March 2012
  23. 2012 International Year of Sustainable Energy for All

    Category: Blog

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge, and opportunity the world faces today. Be it jobs, security, climate change, food production or increasing incomes , access to sustainable ... Created on 21 December 2011
  24. Biobased Electricity

    Category: Energy

    ...  Expected after tax IRR > ±30% Forecast return on investment (after tax): >30% Expected payback period: < 3.5 years New jobs: 12 direct (+ 40 jobs in agricultural and transportation sector) ... Created on 11 December 2011
  25. Engaging the Private Sector to Advance Agribusiness, Food Security and Nutrition in Africa - Business Fights Poverty

    Category: Blog

    ... to South Africa, said success in food security would be achieved  if small producers were made part of the value chain thereby creating markets for the services and goods and jobs.    ... Created on 25 October 2011
  26. Introducing: GreenEnergyPark™ by DalinYebo

    Category: News

    GreenEnergyPark™ are small commercial developments in rural areas that convert biomass  into energy, chemicals and commercial products. GreenEnergyPark™ provide rural jobs, contribute to food ... Created on 14 January 2011
  27. Overview

    Category: GreenEnergyPark™

    ... infrastructure backbone to develop small to medium sized business. Poverty Alleviation: It goes without say that GrEnPa will create new ("green") jobs in rural areas. There will be a mix of skills ... Created on 01 January 2011
  28. Biomass Energy in Nigeria: An Overview

    Category: Blogs

    ... will spring up and foreign investors will be eager to invest in Nigeria with little concern about power. Establishment of biopower plants will surely create more jobs and indirectly reduce the number of ... Created on 26 April 2019
  29. UK invests £100m for renewable energy projects in Africa

    Category: Blogs

    ... for the first time. Building these clean, reliable sources of energy will also create thousands of quality jobs in these growing green economies.” The new investment is in addition to £48 million ... Created on 18 December 2018
  30. US biobased Economy Growth: $24billion/year (+ 200,000 new jobs)

    Category: Blogs

    ... US economy and how many jobs it sustains. Just how much are biobased products worth (to the US economy)? Since we reported on the 2015 report, the biobased industry now contributes 4.2 million jobs and ... Created on 14 October 2016
  31. Biorefineries Give Local Farmers Opportunities for Additional Income

    Category: Blogs

    ... across the nation that are helping to scale up biofuel technologies. The construction of biorefineries and biofuel production also create temporary and permanent biorefinery jobs. As the market for cellulosic ... Created on 03 July 2015
  32. Bioeconomy: $369bn and 4 Million Jobs Added to US Economy in 2013

    Category: Blogs

    Image Source: USDA Each job in the US bioeconomy adds 1.64 jobs in adjacent sectors. An economic impact analysis of the US biobased products industry showed that in 2013 4 million jobs and US$369bn ... Created on 03 July 2015
  33. Connecting-the-Dots™ of a New Agricultural Economy

    Category: Blogs

    ... and create permanent rural jobs, because these small economic hubs are located in the centres of agricultural areas and its profits will flow back to the farming community. The anchor tenants of the GreenEnergyPark are ... Created on 02 July 2015
  34. Forecasted Bioplastics Industry Growth

    Category: Blogs

    The impact of these trends could see the furfural market grow to twice its current size. For Africa, biomass valorisation means food security and jobs (e.g.! Bioplastics ... Created on 22 February 2014
  35. South Africa: Biofuel blends madatory from 2015

    Category: Blogs

    ... the department of making no headway in implementing the strategy. They said at the time that the biofuels strategy had the potential to create between 20,000 and 25,000 jobs, and called on Mr Martins to ... Created on 04 October 2013
  36. New Report Shows Green Economy Fundamental for South Africa’s Sustained Economic Growth and Well-being – Green Africa Directory

    Category: Blogs

    ... energy –  can create more jobs than a business as usual approach, while supporting the same level of economic growth, yet with lower emissions of greenhouse gases and less environmental damage. However, ... Created on 04 October 2013
  37. GreenEnergyPark™ – Cobelec Project

    Category: Blogs

    ... commercial developments in rural areas that convert biomass (agricultural residues) into energy, chemicals and commercial products. They’ll provide rural jobs, contribute to food security (additional farming ... Created on 16 January 2013
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